I love to cook, sew, take pictures, have dance parties in my living room, eat, sing loudly to songs I don't know, decorate, throw parties, make messes, host playgroup, bike, kiss my husband, eat, play the piano, visit new places and scrub my bathroom floors with a toothbrush while my kids whine and complain.... anything but laundry. This here blog is dedicated to everything a mom can do, except (heaven forbid) that basket of clothes that needs folding.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dylan's Doodles

When Dylan was three we made (what I consider) the cutest shirts ever known to man. We were remembering them this past week and now I'm itching to make some more. Originally we made them as Christmas presents for all the fam and then we made one for welcoming baby Ellie, and another made for his first day of preschool. I love that I still see grandma's wearing them.

My parents used to frame my artwork- and I felt so dang important. My dad even made shirts with a smiley face I had drawn and then wrote below it : Start your day with a smile and then get it over with. I felt famous.

Such simple steps to helping my kids feel famous:

1. have them doodle a drawing.

2. refine in illustrator by tracing the scanned image. add type if wanted.

3. print on iron-on paper and adhere to shirt. of course you can get fancy and have it silk screened.

4. wear the shirt everywhere you go for years to come and rave about your little artist.


  1. Love this idea. love your title. love your whole blog.

  2. thank you so much. so glad you checked out my blog.

  3. Such a great idea! My kids would love this.
